Your golf cart may be able to travel at higher speeds. Gas and electric models can be modified to go faster, allowing you to cut down travel time in every ride. Below we cover the basics of increasing a golf cart's speed. If you have any questions or want to explore golf carts for sale in Ohio, visit Van Wert Carts. Our dealership is located in Van Wert, Ohio, and we proudly serve those in Decatur and Fort Wayne, Indiana, as well.

Deciding The New Speed

There is a limit on how much you can increase a golf cart's speed. It's thrilling to drive upwards of 60 miles per hour, for example, but no golf cart should be modified that much!

Most standard golf carts, particularly ones designed mainly for cruising around a golf course, have a top speed of around 15 miles per hour. The speed limit is kept low to reduce the chances of the driver losing control, hitting obstacles, or even hitting other golfers.

The maximum modified speed of golf carts is 25 miles per hour, according to manufacturer recommendations. Remember that golf carts have a higher center of gravity than other vehicles. Add in the weight of any passengers and cargo and you risk tipping over at high speeds.

Increasing A Gas Golf Cart's Speed

One approach is to modify the governor on the throttle. The governor is designed to limit how much the throttle can open. The goal is to prevent drivers from exceeding the speed set at the factory. When the governor is adjusted or removed, the throttle can open more. This gets more air into the engine, which results in increased power and speed.

Another option is to examine the vehicle's air intake and see if it can handle a high-flow air filter. This will increase the air pulled into the engine, which will make the air intake system more efficient and increase the golf cart's speed potential.

There are other gas golf cart alteration options, but those get increasingly complex. Start out with one or both of these suggestions and see if that alone does the trick. If not, bring your model to our service department and let professionals tackle the trickier upgrades.

Increasing An Electric Golf Cart's Speed

Electric golf carts have two systems that affect speed. The first is the Shunt system, which separates the motor from the field circuit. These two parts operate independently, which means you may be able to program the speed parameters without having to upgrade anything.

The second is the Series system. This is an all-in-one cohesive type of system. If one part is failing, it will decrease the performance in other motor parts. If you want to alter this system, you will likely need to upgrade multiple parts at once. For example, you may need to upgrade the cables, controller, motor, solenoid, and the forward and reverse switch.

You can also remove the parts that limit how much power the engine gets, which will result in increased power. Two of these parts are the solenoid contactor relay and the electronic speed controller. But this can be a trickier alteration that is best left to professionals.

We hope you found this guide to increasing a golf cart's speed helpful. For more upgrading tips or to shop golf carts for sale in Ohio, head over to Van Wert Carts. Our friendly staff is happy to help with whatever you need, from going over the financing options to coordinating a golf cart rental to replacing broken parts. Our goal is to provide exceptional customer service and make things as easy as possible for you. Our dealership is based in Van Wert, Ohio. We also proudly serve those in Decatur and Fort Wayne, Indiana.