Just like you observe rules when driving your car on the road, you’ll need to follow certain etiquette when operating your golf cart on the course. These guidelines help you stay safe, be a good neighbor, as well as protect the turf on the greens.

Check out this guide, where we have highlighted a few general rules you’ll need to follow on the greens. If you have more questions or are still in the market for a new golf cart, visit Van Wert Carts. We have an extensive inventory of golf carts for sale, and we can help you select a model that suits your budget and requirements. We’re in Van Wert, OH, and we happily welcome our patrons from Decatur and Fort Wayne, IN.

Always Read Signs

The first thing you should do after arriving on a golf course, especially if you’re visiting one for the first time or for the first time in a while, is read any posted notices. These guidelines are there to keep you safe and help maintain the decorum of the place. It’ll be a good idea to ask about any specific signs or symbols you’ll need to pay attention to while on the course.

Follow the 90-Degree Guideline

You may hear your attendant asking you to follow the 90-degree rule, which means the course allows you to drive your vehicle to your ball on the grass in a straight line or at a 90-degree angle.

To observe this rule, you’ll want to stay on the cart path until you are at a point that’s nearest to your ball, then drive straight out to your ball and straight back. This helps prevent damage to the greenery even if you are on the grass for some time.

However, be mindful of days when there are restrictions on this movement on your golf course. To be on the safer side, ask about any limitations when you arrive at a fairway.

Take Care of the Turf

More importantly, you’ll want to take care of the turf you’re driving over. It takes a lot of time, effort, and money to maintain a golf course, which is why everyone using it must try their best to keep it in tip-top shape.

Avoid making sharp turns, speeding along in the cart, or braking suddenly. These can damage the turfgrass and make the greens unappealing. Also, you’ll want to steer clear of wet or muddy areas and grass with standing water, especially if there are other people around those spots.

Use Common Sense

Though this may sound obvious, you’ll want to be courteous and use common sense when driving your golf cart on the greens. Remember to:

  • Stay behind other golfers when operating your golf cart.
  • Never drive forward or back up when a player is addressing the ball.
  • Stay quiet and avoid distracting other golfers around you.
  • Practice safe driving tips always.

We hope you find these tips helpful when operating your golf cart on the greens. For more ideas, connect with our experts at Van Wert Carts. We’re in Van Wert, OH, and we serve those from Decatur and Fort Wayne, IN.